Discover the classified ads of startups members of French Tech Paris-Saclay, for the month of January 2025!

Looking for your future training? Find yours from among over 30,000 courses in all fields of study. Find out about the links between courses and the opportunities they offer. All free of charge.
Neamine is looking for premises for its semi-industrial carbon capture unit (IDF and mainland France) – Do you have biomass to convert? Contact Neamine to turn it into a carbon sink!
contact: thomas.delhon@neamine.fr

We’re looking for experts in BtoB contract drafting, able to guarantee legal clarity and compliance. If you have proven experience, contact us!
contact: jacques.demontigny@greenfusyon.com
Do you run a business and want to secure your e-reputation? Our fake review detection API is there for you.
contact: roxana.rotaru@askhedi.com

Tomo is currently raising funds and looking for premises for June 2025.
contact: hello@jointomo.com
LatenceTech has just launched the latest version of its Android/iOS mobile app to assess the quality of your wireless network in seconds! Try it out for free and tell us what you think! (Search in your store: LatenceTech – Mobile Latency Measurement or use the QR code).
contact: chloe@latencetech.com

Procureezy aims to revolutionize the component sourcing and purchasing process for hardware engineers in the space, aerospace and defense industries. Their innovative platform simplifies supplier sourcing and component management, while offering collaborative tools and a specialized integrated marketplace.
Their value proposition? Considerable time savings and tailor-made solutions for Newspace startups, satellite manufacturers and companies at the cutting edge of space innovation, as well as all hardware players.
Are you a Newspace startup, a buyer in a hardware company or a component supplier? Discover Procureezy to optimize your processes and accelerate your projects on www.procureezy.com.
Contact: Cindy Grenet, CEO of Procureezy, at cindy@procureezy.com for more information!